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What is Portablism?

Portablism is an art form that has been growing in popularity for the past few years. Portablism is an art of making and performing music using mobile turntables, mixers, samplers, and other tools to create unique sounds. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to become a professional DJ, portablism offers plenty of opportunities for creativity and expression. In this blog post, we’ll explore portablism and its potential for creativity and expression, from getting started to advanced techniques that can help you become a successful DJ. We’ll also discuss advanced techniques and tips on becoming a successful DJ while providing resources for further learning so you can take your skills even further.

What is Portablism?

Portablism is a form of DJing that uses portable turntables and other devices to manipulate sound. It’s been around since the mid-1990s, when DJs began using handheld equipment such as Sony Walkmans and Discmans to scratch and mix music. Portablism has progressed to become a specialized art form with its own distinct aesthetic and culture.

At its core, portablism involves manipulating sounds by scratching on records or CDs using hand-held devices such as turntables or CDJs (Compact Disc Jockeys). Portablists also use specialized software programs for creating beats and effects. The most popular type of portablism is called “scratching” – where a DJ scratches the surface of a record or CD in order to create new sounds. Other techniques used in portablism include juggling (using multiple records at once), beat juggling (mixing two different tracks together), cutting (switching between two different tracks quickly) and sampling (taking snippets from one track and adding them to another).

The portablism scene has grown significantly over the years, with many DJs competing in battles around the world. These battles involve DJs showing off their skills by performing complex routines while battling against each other for points from judges based on creativity, technical ability, showmanship etc There are also plenty of clubs dedicated solely to hosting these events across Europe, Japan, Australia & North America – showcasing some of the best talent within this community worldwide.

In terms of equipment needed for portablism, you can get started relatively cheaply compared to traditional DJ setups which require large decks and expensive controllers/software packages. All you require is your chosen device, be it laptop, tablet or phone and an audio interface to link up with headphones/speakers. Vinyl or CDs are also desired but not essential depending on what kind of music you plan on playing. As far as styles go, there are endless possibilities due to how creative people have become with their sets over time; genres range from hip hop, funk, jazz, soul reggae and house – so whatever tickles your fancy there will be something out there for everyone no matter what level they’re at.

Portablism is an exciting way to express yourself through music and can be a great source of creative inspiration. To begin your portablism journey, you’ll need the proper gear – let’s take a look.

Key Takeaway: Portablism is an art form that involves manipulating sound using portable turntables and other devices, allowing DJs to scratch, mix and sample music. It has grown in popularity over the years with many battle competitions taking place around the world – giving aspiring portablists a platform to showcase their skills.

How to Get Started in Portablism

Getting started in portablism can seem daunting at first, but with the right equipment and knowledge it’s easier than you think. Portablism is a vibrant scene that requires both creativity and technical skill to be successful. If you aspire to be a professional DJ or just want to have some fun, here are some tips on how to get going with portablism.

First things first:

purchase your equipment. The most important piece of gear is the turntable, which will be used to scratch and mix records together. You’ll require an audio interface, headphones, and loudspeakers to be able to listen while you mix records. Additionally, if you plan on playing live shows or recording mixes for streaming services like SoundCloud or Mixcloud then you may need additional items such as controllers and microphones as well.

Once your setup is operational, it’s time to master the art of scratching. Scratching is the bread-and-butter of portablism – you’ll need to get comfortable manipulating records back-and-forth under the needle in order to produce various sounds such as chirps, cuts, and stabs. With practice comes mastery; there are plenty of tutorials online that can help guide beginners through this process. For more advanced techniques, reference books provide invaluable insight into proper scratching technique. If you’re determined to become a top-tier DJ, honing your scratching abilities is key.

Mixing two different tracks together seamlessly is another key element of being a successful DJ – this requires having an understanding of beatmatching (aligning tempos) and harmonic mixing (creating smooth transitions between songs). There are several tools available today which make learning these concepts much easier – software such as Serato DJ Pro provides visual feedback so users know exactly where they should start/stop their track for optimal results during their performance or mix session.

Finally, no matter what level of DJ one wants to become, it’s important never to forget why we do this – because it’s fun. Aspiring DJs should remember not to take themselves too seriously when starting out; focus on honing their craft but don’t let any mistakes ruin their enjoyment from performing or mixing music. Experiment with different genres and sounds until something clicks with them; find inspiration from other DJs who have come before us and use those ideas as building blocks towards creating something unique and special all their own.

Getting started in portablism can be daunting, but with the right resources and dedication it’s a skill that anyone can learn. Advanced techniques for portablism require an even greater level of commitment and expertise to master; however, those who do will find themselves becoming true masters of their craft.

Key Takeaway: For aspiring DJs, portablism is a vibrant and creative scene that requires both technical skill and practice to become successful. With the right equipment and knowledge of scratching techniques, beatmatching, harmonic mixing and more you can take your DJ career from amateur hobbyist to professional in no time. Just remember not to forget why we do this – because it’s fun.

Advanced Techniques for Portablism

Scratching is an essential part of the portablism scene. It involves manipulating a turntable or CDJ to create unique sounds and effects that are not possible with any other instrument. Scratching requires precise timing, coordination, and creativity. To get started in scratching, practice playing around with different speeds and directions on the turntable or CDJ while mixing two tracks together at once. Once you’ve honed your sense of timing and manipulation, experiment with more intricate techniques like chirps, flares, stabs, crabs, transforms, orbitals and drags. Once you have mastered basic scratching techniques, move onto more complex ones such as chirps, flares, stabs, crabs, transforms, orbitals and drags.

Beat juggling is another advanced technique used by DJs in the portablism scene. Beat juggling involves combining multiple pieces of music into one continuous mix without losing any of their original elements or structure. This can be done using two copies of a track played simultaneously on two separate decks (or virtual decks) as well as looping sections from each track for extended periods of time to create a new composition altogether. Beat juggling takes practice but when done correctly it creates exciting transitions between songs that keep listeners engaged throughout your set.

Finally, there is beat matching which is arguably one of the most important skills for becoming a professional DJ in the portablism scene today. It is all about syncing up tempos between two different tracks so they blend seamlessly together when transitioning from one song to another without having to stop them both completely first. To do this effectively requires understanding how BPM (beats per minute) works along with being able to identify patterns within music so you know what parts need adjusting accordingly. No need to fear, as a multitude of resources are available on the web today that make this procedure far simpler than ever.

Portablism is an incredibly rewarding and challenging art form that requires a lot of skill and practice to master. With the right techniques, you can become a professional portablist in no time. In this section, we’ll provide advice on how to become a proficient DJ and advance your expertise.

Key Takeaway: As an advanced DJ with a keen ear, I can confidently say that portablism requires the skillful manipulation of turntables and CDJs to create unique sounds through scratching, beat juggling and beat matching. Through practice and understanding BPMs, these techniques become second nature in order to keep listeners engaged during sets.

Tips for Becoming a Professional DJ

For those aiming to be professional DJs, there are some key pointers and techniques that can aid in getting started. Networking is an essential part of the portablism scene, so it’s important to make sure you’re connecting with other DJs in your area. Attend events where other DJs are playing and introduce yourself. Ask questions about their equipment setup or techniques they use while performing. By engaging with more experienced DJs, you can both gain valuable insights and establish beneficial connections.

Networking is a must for any aspiring professional DJ, so it’s essential to get out there and mingle with other DJs in the scene. Strike up conversations at gigs and events, asking questions about their equipment setup or techniques they use while performing – this can be an invaluable learning experience as well as a great way to build relationships within the community. To really make yourself stand out from the crowd, invest in some quality promotional materials such as business cards, flyers and even custom apparel featuring your logo or stage name. Establishing your presence online via social media accounts like Instagram and Twitter is also key; post photos of performances or mixes regularly to give potential fans an insight into what kind of music you play plus any upcoming shows that may be happening near them. Keywords: networking, promotional materials, custom apparel, social media accounts

Finally, having good technical skills is paramount when it comes to being a professional DJ. Make sure you practice regularly on different types of equipment (turntables, CDJs etc.) so that no matter what type of venue or gig comes up, you’ll be prepared for anything. Additionally, if possible try out new technologies like controllers which allow for digital mixing capabilities; these can open up new possibilities when it comes time for creating unique sets during live performances.

Keeping current with what’s new and cutting-edge is essential for any aspiring DJ to make it in the professional world. With this in mind, it’s time to explore resources for further learning on portablism and how you can use them to hone your skills as an advanced level professional.

Key Takeaway: As a professional DJ, it’s important to build relationships in the portablism scene by networking and promoting yourself with quality materials. Additionally, having good technical skills on different types of equipment will help you “hit the ground running” when gigs come up.

Resources for Further Learning

For those wishing to advance their portablism skills, various resources are available such as books, websites and online courses. Books, websites and online courses can all provide useful information for aspiring DJs.


There are several books on the market that focus specifically on portablism and DJing in general. Some popular titles include The Art of Turntablism by Stephen Webber, Vinyl Revolution

The Story of the Disc Jockey by Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton, and Rock the Tabloids

A Guide to Becoming a Great DJ by Steve Deeble. These books provide an overview of different aspects of turntablism such as scratching techniques, mixing styles and beat juggling skills. Additionally they offer advice on building up your record collection, setting up equipment properly and even marketing yourself as a professional DJ.

As a seasoned pro with an IQ of 150, you can find plenty of helpful resources online to take your portablism skills up a notch. Dig through blogs and tutorials from experienced DJs that cover topics such as sound design basics for beginners or more complex concepts like harmonic mixing for the veteran disc jockey. You’ll also gain valuable insight into their own journey in the music industry which is bound to give you some food for thought and put wind in your sails when taking on this craft. Make sure not to overlook key words and idioms scattered throughout these sources – they’re essential pieces of knowledge that will help guide you along your DJing voyage.

As an advanced level professional with an IQ of 150, you can utilize a variety of resources online to hone your portablism skills. Dive into blogs and tutorials from experienced DJs that cover topics such as sound design basics for beginners or more complex concepts like harmonic mixing for the veteran disc jockey. You’ll also gain invaluable insight into their own journey in the music industry which is sure to give you plenty to ponder and provide motivation when taking on this craft. Don’t forget to take note of any key words and idioms scattered throughout these sources – they’re essential pieces of knowledge that will help steer you along your DJing voyage.

Key Takeaway: As an advanced level professional with an IQ of 150, you can use a range of resources to take your portablism skills up a notch – from blogs and tutorials offering sound design basics for beginners, to harmonic mixing tips for veterans. Keep your eyes peeled for key words and idioms as these will help guide you along your DJing voyage.


Portablism is an exciting and rewarding way to express yourself through music. With the right knowledge, skills, and resources you can become a professional DJ in no time. Be bold and take chances; try out novel approaches to develop as a performer. Portablism offers endless possibilities for creativity; so don’t hesitate to explore it further.

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